GalenusRx, Inc.

GalenusRx, Inc.
Health Care
GalenusRx is the world’s most advanced medication safety analytics technology and services company in the world. GalenusRx focuses on identifying medication regimens with high levels of concern for adverse drug events (ADEs) and medication-related problems. Through its APPRAISE™ Solution (Actionable PolyPharmacy Risk Assessment Index for Safety and Equity) GalenusRx focuses on reducing concern levels through direct patient and provider engagement for total cost of care reduction. GalenusRx’s APPRAISE™ medication safety platform helps value-based care entities (i.e., hospitals, employers, ACOs, government insurers, etc...) reduce healthcare expenditures while supporting their beneficiary's health. Our innovative APPRAISE Adverse Drug Event (ADE) Forecasting technology assesses how a person’s medications interact with each other, and with their genetics and health conditions. The outcome is instant identification of medication safety concerns or medication APPRAISAL for your population, identifying those at high level of concern for ADEs, the 3rd or 4th leading cause of death in the US. Peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated a 2.5-3:1 ROI. GalenusRx partners under value-based contracts, guaranteeing savings in those employees who engage in the program.
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