Aviate – United Sets New Diversity Goal: 50% of Students at New Pilot Training Academy To Be Women and People of Color
In an effort to increase representation of racial/ethnic minorities and women pilots, United launched Aviate Academy in April. Aviate Academy’s commitment to diversity is about recruiting from the deepest pool possible of exceptional and qualified candidates who want to pursue a career as a commercial airline pilot, including those who otherwise may not have even tried due to financial barriers. By looking everywhere for talent – while also upholding our high standards - we’ll be an even better airline. As of the beginning of May, we have received 4,500 total applicants interested in the Academy including 358 from New Jersey. United plans to train 5,000 new pilots by 2030, at least half of them women and people of color. Backed by scholarship commitments from United Airlines and JPMorgan Chase, United Aviate Academy will create opportunities for thousands of students, including women and people of color to pursue a career as a commercial airline pilot, one of the most lucrative careers in the industry. We’re working to identify pre-pipeline partnerships and will be collaborating with the City of Newark to recruit and expand opportunities for under-represented populations to address Pilot and aviation mechanic shortages.