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GLS Painters Starts Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship Contest


Contest finalist will be awarded funds in the form of grants, based upon the Young Entrepreneur Scholarship Contest. The contest rules, regulations and guidelines are as follows:

1. Contestants must reside in Burlington, Camden, Salem, Cumberland, Cape May, Gloucester and Atlantic.

2. Contestants must range between the ages of 8 and 20.

3. Contestants must have a written "Business Plan" consist of 500 words or more. They will be judged based on a review of their "Business Plan" and "Presentation of their Business Plan"

4. Deadline for contest entries is February 21st, 2025.

5. You can drop your entries below. Click the button and fill out the form.

6. Finalist will be notified by February 28th, 2025 and invited to present their business to the Y.E.S! committee

at 255 Berlin - Cross Keys Rd Unit C, Berlin, NJ.

7. Winners will be notified by March 7th, 2025.

8. Up to $500 in grants will be awarded.

9. Business plan can be based on an existing business, new business or idea.

10. Grants must be used to further the business or business idea


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Heather Sanderson, Director of Membership at (856) 424-8980.

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