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Letter from the Executive Director of BookSmiles

Letter from the Executive Director

My Friends,

Read Across America week prompted two schools to invite us over for massive book fairs in which we distributed 4,360 books: Camden's Bregy Elementary School and Philadelphia's First Philadelphia Charter School. We couldn't have staged these free book fairs without the help of Action Tank and Kiwanis of South Philadelphia. Each child took home three books. Make sure to check out the pic of me below, on the floor having a blast with the kids. Imagine if all area schools in book deserts could provide book access and ownership like this!

There is an alternative to a Scholastic Fair for school's located in book deserts. What is a book desert? It is a geographic area where reading materials are difficult to obtain. We can change that! Please contact if you teach in a school with over 75% free and reduced lunch.

Our list of monthly donors is growing with most donating between $10 and $25 each month. Won't you consider joining the group of 26 and counting? For the cost of a dozen eggs, YOU can become a member of our MOD Squad (Monthly Donation Squad). Click to donate.

To Literacy!

Larry Abrams
Founder & Executive Director

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Heather Sanderson, Director of Membership at (856) 424-8980.

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