Your assistance is appreciated! Help guide the work of the NJ Advisory Commission on the Status of Women
Dear systems partner / legislator,
On behalf of the New Jersey Advisory Commission on the Status of Women (NJACSW), we are reaching out to ask for your assistance in distributing a survey statewide, gauging concerns and priorities of a broad and diverse range of women. Our goal is to honor and represent their voices in the work of the Commission.
With this survey we seek to pinpoint the top 3 most pressing issues affecting New Jersey’s women. The feedback sought will help direct the focus and work of the Commission.
The survey asks only one question and is easy to complete. In addition to English, the survey can be customized to an additional 8 languages-- Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Gujarathi, Polish, French/Haitian Creole, and Arabic -- allowing feedback in the respondent’s preferred language.
The survey response deadline is June 16, 2022.
The NJ Advisory Commission on the Status of Women wants to hear from you! Women are invited to share their top 3 priorities for the NJACSW at -- the info shared will help to inform the work of the Commission over the next year. Deadline is June 16.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of our work, and your assistance in our efforts to identify the interests and implications of various initiatives for women across New Jersey.
DCF | Division on Women (DOW) and the NJ Advisory Council on the Status of Women